
CREAF adheres to the CERCA code of conduct

Click to visit the CERCA Code of Conduct
Click to visit the CERCA Code of Conduct

The CREAF Board of Trustees has approved the adherence to the CERCA code of conduct in its meeting held on this July.

Click to visit the CERCA Code of Conduct
Click to visit the CERCA Code of Conduct

This document fills an important gap that our system of centres had and provides stimulus and guarantees of well-done work in aspects of transparency, open access to data and results, management of industrial property, scientific integrity, relationship with the media, among others.

The Code of Conduct must be approved by the highest governing body of each CERCA centre and, subsequently, the director and manager of each entity must sign its adhesion and implement the internal mechanisms to guarantee its compliance.

This code is aligned with the European code and its mission is to promote the principles of its decalogue:

  1. Honesty and transparency.
  2. Open access to research data.
  3. Stewardship of research data, materials and substances.
  4. Handling industrial property in CERCA centres.
  5. Individual commitment to good scientific practice and ethical standards.
  6. Commitment and responsibility for research activities and scientific publications.
  7. Coordination with the CERCA Institute and the CERCA ombudsperson.
  8. Application of standards on recruitment and promotion, preventing conflicts of interest in CERCA centre activities.
  9. Cooperation with the media.
  10. Implementation of an action plan approved under the European Commission’s HRS4R award scheme.

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