
Water for Forests and People in the Mediterranean

Agua para los bosques y la sociedad en el Mediterráneo: un difícil equilibrio
Agua para los bosques y la sociedad en el Mediterráneo: un difícil equilibrio

EFIMED book Water for Forests and People in the Mediterranean – A Challenging Balance , the first volume in the series guides the reader through the basics of water cycle, the concepts of blue and green water, their possible trade-off and the related key challenges with focus on the Mediterranean region and its specificities. The book also contributes to bridge the gap between scientific evidence and public perception.

Water for Forests and People in the Mediterranean – A Challenging Balance
Water for Forests and People in the Mediterranean – A Challenging Balance

There is a need to provide more comprehensive knowledge to policy makers on the forest/water interface within the framework of different policy initiatives (e.g. the EU Water Framework Directive, Green Infrastructures, and Forest Europe). This need becomes urgent in the Mediterranean region, which is permanently confronted with the scarcity of water – the main limiting factor for life and the most strategic resource for ensuring the sustainability of the region.

Pdf versions in English and French are freely available in internet at:

A Spanish version is planned to be released over forthcoming autumn.

This book has been funded with contributions from the Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia (CTFC) via the SylvaMED project and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF).

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