
Jaume Terradas' notes

Jaume Terradas

Still between the Tigris and the Euphrates

Second instalment about Mesopotamia. We are now situated throughout the 20th century, political and social changes caused massive forced migrations by people of the area and the uncontrolled exploitation of marshes populated by the Ma’dam tribe.

Jaume Terradas

In the cradle of civilization

The Poem of Gilgamesh is the oldest known fiction text, and represents brilliantly the conflict between nomadic and agricultural and urban societies; between nature and city. A

News @en
Jaume Terradas

A melting world

The West world, with its desire for expansion and exploration of new and unknown territories, has deprived indigenous communities of their traditional methods of life

Jaume Terradas

The Salton Sea

Jaume Terradas explains how an error in channeling the water of the Colorado River in California created a large artificial lake that, now, is endangered

Jaume Terradas

A feather for the hat, ma’am?

Birds for their feathers, but many other animals too, suffer the path to extinction because of human whims.

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