
Tag: forests

The Euopean Parliament. Author: Claude Truong-Ngoc (CC BY-SA 3.0)
News @en

Launching of the NODE at the European Parliament!

The NODE will be officially launched on 16th November 2016 at the European Parliament in Brussels, within the conference Jobs, Development, Social Inclusion and Climate

La ciutat de Jodhpur és la segona més gran del Rajasthan, un estat del nord-est de l'Índia. Autor: Marc Hoffmann (CC BY-SA 2.0)

In urbibus mundi

In this new post, Jaume Terradas thinks about what nature has meant for human since the dawn of our species, and how the accumulation of

Bosc de la Cerdanaya afectat per la sequera. Autor: Isard Alfonso
News @en

Mathematics in the fight against forest drought

A study by CTFC and CREAF scientists has led to the development of a mathematical model which predicts drought stress in forests. The research shows that

IFOdena amb drons
News @en

Òdena’s wildfire images taken by drones

InForest mixed unity, composed by CTFC and CREAF, has published the first images taken by drones of the burned area from Òdena’s wildfire (Barcelona area),

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