Barcelona has the world’s first tiger mosquito prediction map
The #MosquitoAlertBCN project team has developed the first daily map that predicts the risk of finding a tiger mosquito in Barcelona . It is a
The #MosquitoAlertBCN project team has developed the first daily map that predicts the risk of finding a tiger mosquito in Barcelona . It is a
In 2020, Mosquito Alert has recorded twice as many tiger mosquitoes as in 2019. It has been the year with the most mosquitoes since 2014,
The Mosquito Alert app is now available in 18 European countries from Europe and will help monitoring the spread of these insects, which can transmit viral
The number of tiger mosquito sightings reported via the Mosquito Alert app in the first half of 2020 is 70% higher than in 2018, which
The MosquitoAlertBCN project has been one of the research initiatives selected by the Pla Barcelona Ciència. It is a project led by CREAF, with the
CREAF, part of the consortium of the project, was the organizer of the event, which took place between November 25 and 27 at the Casa
El projecte Big Mosquit Bytes ha estat seleccionat dins la convocatòria de salut de “la Caixa”. El projecte combinarà la ciència ciutadana i altres fonts de dades massives per a desenvolupar models innovadors que permetin predir el risc d’epidèmies, així com visualitzar aquest risc a temps real. La Red Nacional de Vigilància Epidemiològica ha notificat 1.800 casos importats de dengue, chikungunya i zika des de el 2014. La Xarxa de Vigilància Epidemiològica de Catalunya va confirmar 700 casos d’arbovirosis importats entre 2015-2018. En el projecte liderat pel CEAB-CSIC, participen científics de la UPF, l’Institut Max Planck de Demografia, el Centre Nacional d’Epidemiologia del ISPIII i el CREAF, i es nodreix en gran part de la plataforma de ciència ciutadana Mosquit Alert.
Aedes japonicus is an invasive insect capable of transmitting diseases such as West Nile virus. The mosquito was found in Asturias (North Spain) when a person sent
Initiative Empowers National Networks, Stakeholders and Governments to Generate and Access Real-time Data and Tools through UN Electronic Platform ‘Environment Live”.
A new study with the participation of Bernat Claramunt, UAB and CREAF researcher, underscores the great potential of citizen science for conservation.